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News about Too Much Media products and related technology.

  • 07 February 2025 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released February 7th, 2025 (2025-02-07)
    * Added the ability to redirect members to normal join templates on NMYREACTIVATIONNOTAVAIL responses from Epoch redirects.
    * Resolved an issue to ensure that member_auth does not get updated when the most recent member subscription is not active.
    * Resolved an issue keeping the site drop-down in the Cross/Up Sales Admin from being populated.
    * Resolved a possible issue where newly added processing types may not get sent to Centrobill.
    * Resolved a possible issue where logs would not rotate as expected when the DISABLE_LOG_SIZE config was enabled.
    * Resolved a possible issue when using Smarty4 on gateway/signup where Smarty2 code may still get called.
    * Resolved an issue with the GET member search REST API.
    * Resolved an issue with Segpay postbacks.

  • 31 January 2025 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released January 31st, 2025 (2025-01-31)
    * Added a 'join options simulator' to the Sites Admin in Legacy NATS which will allow you to determine what options will be displayed to surfers depending on the filters you choose.
    * Corrected issue where NATS join options with 'hide on join form' enabled, would incorrectly appear on Segpay's join page's 'available options' dropdown.
    * Added a new config setting to disable emails on password_epoch named 'disable_mail_paswswd_epoch_add'.
    * Added the ability to search by In-House affiliates using Advanced Affiliate Search.
    * Added a feature to consider idmap entries when using strack.
    * Resolved an issue caused by enabling the 'ENABLE_RECORD_SIGNUP_TRACK' config setting.
    * Resolved an issue with Package Plus for RGNative and Argus.

  • 27 January 2025 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released January 27th, 2025 (2025-01-27)
    * Resolved an issue with member lookup on Segpay.
    * Corrected an issue with admin_upsells & admin_commissions links constructing incorrectly when using Smarty4.
    * Streamlined the process of getting site tours.
    * Removed the arbitrary 10-year restriction on historical lookups via the API.
    * Updated the process_ccbillff script to use the accounting amount base currency configuration instead of the billed amount.
    * Stopped sending Rebill for lifetime upsell with Rocketgate.

  • 17 January 2025 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released January 17th, 2025 (2025-01-17)
    * Resolved an issue preventing site-specific member emails from being configured by checkbox.
    * Added support for option groups for special options.
    * Removed possible black box on outgoing xsell & upsells page for the new verify column.
    * Resolved an issue causing incorrect biller_type_ids.
    * Improvements made to ensure certain postbacks expire at the appropriate time.
    * Affiliate status will now be sent when "AFFILIATE_FORGOT_PASSWORD_NO_PLAINTEXT" is set.
    * Added Package Expire for CentroBill.
    * Added check for rebill prior to attempting an upgrade.
    * Added functionality to ensure a valid error message on username check.
    * Added a feature to ensure that a notification is sent to all NATS admin accounts when admin approval is required instead of only the owner.
    * Added a feature to ensure custom variables are retained in Upsell Plus signups with Epoch, Centrobill, and RG Native.
    * Added Limited Member Site and Info information.

  • 10 January 2025 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released January 10th, 2025 (2025-01-10)
    * Updated the "Base Currency Dec" configuration settings to correct a display and usage issue.
    * Resolved an issue resulting in false "duplicate purchase" notifications being sent.
    * Implemented a change to ensure that the currency symbol does not appear in any QuickBooks dumps, as QuickBooks requires.
    * Added verification for xsell/upsell features on the outgoing setting.
    * Updated the default email plain text templates.
    * Resolved an Affiliate dump display issue.
    * Added Chargeback rev support for Rocketgate and RGNative.
    * Disabled the description requirement for the NATS API call for templates.